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case one

N is from South Africa

Project Description:

N is from South Africa, mainly makes skin care products for youth and teens and sells them online, and now needs some custom formulas to start his products.

Customer Needs:

This customer is just starting his skin care brand, mainly making acne-removing and melanin-inhibiting products and using customized formulas to improve product quality and enhance brand influence through quality reputation. Because the customer did not know much about the product formula, he found Arielcosmetic through google and hoped to get help.


According to the pictures and videos of some skin problems provided by the guests, discuss and analyze with the engineers of Arielcosmetic, and select the corresponding ingredients and products for the problems of scars, uneven skin tone, and youthful skin oil secretion; the packaging materials should be designed for young people. Considering that the customer has just started a business and will encounter problems in terms of funds when pushing the product, he will first choose some lower-cost products and try to guide the customer to choose our existing packaging material design in terms of packaging materials. Meet customer needs.